7 Ways to Know You’re a Highly Sensitive Person (And What To Do About It!)

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Are you the kind of person who cries during commercials (Sarah Maclachlan, anyone?! I can’t change the channel fast enough!), feels overwhelmed in crowded places, or gets deeply affected by other people’s moods? If so, you might be highly sensitive. Being highly sensitive isn’t just about being emotional; it’s a trait that affects how you perceive and process the world around you. But don’t worry, being highly sensitive comes with its own set of superpowers! Here are seven signs that you might be highly sensitive, along with some tips on how to embrace and thrive with this trait:

1. You’re an Empathy Expert

Highly sensitive people (HSPs) have an incredible ability to empathize with others. They can easily pick up on subtle cues in body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions, making them natural empaths. In fact, research suggests that HSPs have more mirror neurons in their brains, which enable them to understand and resonate with other people’s emotions on a deeper level.

2. You’re Easily Overstimulated

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed in busy environments, sensitive to loud noises, or easily startled by sudden changes, you might be highly sensitive. HSPs have a lower threshold for sensory input, meaning they can become overstimulated more quickly than others. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, fatigue, or even physical discomfort in certain situations.

3. You’re a Perfectionist

Highly sensitive people tend to be detail-oriented and conscientious, often striving for perfection in their work and relationships. While this can be a strength, it can also lead to feelings of self-doubt or criticism when things don’t go according to plan. Research shows that HSPs have higher levels of activation in brain areas associated with self-awareness and self-evaluation, which may contribute to their perfectionistic tendencies.

4. You’re Deeply Moved by Art and Beauty

HSPs have a heightened sensitivity to aesthetics and tend to be deeply moved by art, music, and nature. They may feel a profound connection to beauty in all its forms, experiencing intense emotions in response to art or natural landscapes. Studies have shown that HSPs have increased activity in brain regions associated with aesthetic appreciation, suggesting that their sensitivity to beauty is neurologically based.

5. You’re Highly Attuned to Others’ Needs

One of the hallmarks of being highly sensitive is a strong sense of empathy and compassion for others. HSPs are often acutely aware of other people’s emotions and needs, making them natural caretakers and nurturers. However, this heightened sensitivity to others’ feelings can sometimes lead to emotional exhaustion or burnout if not properly managed.

6. You Have a Rich Inner World

Highly sensitive people tend to have rich and complex inner lives, often filled with vivid imagination, deep introspection, and intense emotional experiences. They may spend a lot of time reflecting on their thoughts and feelings, seeking meaning and purpose in their lives. Research suggests that HSPs have increased activity in brain regions associated with introspection and self-reflection, which may contribute to their rich inner world.

7. You’re Prone to Overwhelm

Perhaps the most defining characteristic of being highly sensitive is a susceptibility to overwhelm. HSPs can easily become overloaded by too much stimulation, whether it’s physical, emotional, or cognitive. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, or even panic in response to everyday situations. It’s important for HSPs to prioritize self-care and establish healthy boundaries to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

What to Do About It: Embrace Your Sensitivity

Being highly sensitive is not a flaw; it’s a unique and valuable trait that comes with its own set of strengths and challenges. By embracing your sensitivity and learning to manage it effectively, you can harness its power and live a more fulfilling and authentic life. Here are some tips for thriving as a highly sensitive person:

– Practice self-care: Take time to recharge your batteries and nurture your emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in creative pursuits.

– Set boundaries: Learn to say no to things that drain your energy and prioritize activities that align with your values and interests. Establishing healthy boundaries is essential for protecting your emotional and physical health as a highly sensitive person.

– Embrace your strengths: Recognize and celebrate the unique gifts that come with being highly sensitive, such as your empathy, creativity, and intuition. Embracing your sensitivity as a valuable aspect of who you are can help you cultivate greater self-acceptance and resilience.

– Seek support: Connect with other highly sensitive people who understand and appreciate your unique perspective. Joining a support group or seeking therapy can provide validation, guidance, and encouragement as you navigate the challenges of being highly sensitive. Our therapist Morgan LaClear specializes in working with people like you! So reach out, check out her availability here: https://brightspotgh.clientsecure.me/request/clinician or you can call us at 248.296.3104 or browse our website to learn more about us!

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